
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman 🇺🇸 and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg 🇳🇱 taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• Ukraine continues its fight 🇺🇦
• Covid is still with us
• 5,000 planets and counting!
Thanks for listening!
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman 🇺🇸 and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg 🇳🇱 taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• Nikolaj claims he's still in Paris, not in Ukraine, but Bill isn't sure...
• Blame the West for the invasion?
• Triple vaxxed? ✅ Covid? ✅ DOUBLE COVID? ✅
• In the good news - vaccines work, people. Get one. Hell, get more.
Thanks for listening!
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Monday Feb 28, 2022
Monday Feb 28, 2022
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman 🇺🇸 and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg 🇳🇱 taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• Well, one more horseman of the apocalypse is upon us.
• We stand with Ukraine 🇺🇦.
• Masks are coming down, but the covid risk for many is low.
• The whales shall soon rule us all.
Thanks for listening!
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Friday Jan 21, 2022
Friday Jan 21, 2022
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman 🇺🇸 and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg 🇳🇱 taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• It's hard to quit the 'rona
• US politics is awesome
• Australians are hard core
• Looking for good news wherever you can find it
Thanks for listening!
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Saturday Jan 01, 2022
Saturday Jan 01, 2022
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman 🇺🇸 and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg 🇳🇱 taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• In this New Year's Eve episode, we celebrate the purely awesome, truly spectacular year that was 2021.
• Nikolaj got the 'rona! And it's coming for us all. But get vaccinated, and you'll likely be fine!
• China's crackdown on Hong Kong continues, and Bill continues to worry about war over Taiwan.
• Some predictions for 2022
Thanks for listening, and Happy New Year, everyone! 🎉🥳🍾
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
Tuesday Oct 19, 2021
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman 🇺🇸 and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg 🇳🇱 taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• We struggle to make Biden quotable, but you can't say we didn't try.
• A report out of France details decades of abuse of children by the French Catholic church.
• Starting to learn to live with covid and the real causes of covid vaccine reluctance.
• Keep your eyes on Taiwan as a tripwire to US-China conflict.
• And jeez, after such a depressing list, don't worry - we're arming robot dogs. We'll all be safe now!
Thanks for listening! 🙏🏻
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
Tuesday Sep 21, 2021
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman 🇺🇸 and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg 🇳🇱 taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• Thanks to a nuclear-powered sub deal between the US and Australia, we have the latest example of things slowly brewing into a low-level conflict between the US and China. Can we call it Cold War II yet?
• The Wall Street Journal has a new series of articles on how Facebook either can't or won't control the bad effects it creates. Maybe it can't be controlled at all?
• And we came this 🤏🏻 close to not talking about covid for once. But alas. How do you determine your personal - and the societal - level of acceptable risk?
Thanks for listening! 🙏🏻
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
Tuesday Sep 07, 2021
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• Searching for good news, we find a country that has achieved top-level vaccination rates. Only to not open up again!
• Learning to live with covid.
• Afghanistan is bad, but don't lose sight of how bad it could get in East Asia.
• For crying out loud, we needed more good news. Your computer might - maybe, just maybe - be making you a bit richer on paper!
Thanks for listening! 🙏🏻
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• Ah, delta, we're just getting to know you. But ffs, people - get vaccinated.
• Afghanistan - the end or just a pause between American adventures?
• More Afghanistan - no one, nobody, and not one person will be held accountable for any of it
• Elon Musk is making friendly robots. Well, his team is. And have you seen his team? Need more team.
Thanks for listening! 🙏🏻
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj

Friday Jul 16, 2021
Friday Jul 16, 2021
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through international events. This time:
• Just one topic, really - Singapore! Nikolaj is back in Europe now, and Bill is back in the US, of course. Time for some reflection on our time in SG and Asia.
• Singapore is the freest unfree place you'll ever see. Western-style politics and civil liberties are missing, but the place works - and works for most everybody. (We thought it wasn't supposed to be that way...)
• The live-in Foreign Domestic Worker/maid/helper system was bizarrely great. We admire these ladies immensely.
• Should we be upset to be called ang mohs?
• We're pretty sure we were spied upon.
• The Chinese Community Party could do worse for models going forward.
Thanks for listening! 🙏🏻
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Bill & Nikolaj