
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! This week:
• The Supreme Court joins the Deep State
• The US is making being a Third World country great again
• In a related manner, Nikolaj has just about had it with the US
• The GOP has done caught the crazy
• In the good news, we have a vaccine! We're absolutely certain it will go to the needy first.
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! This week:
• Fun with the War on Christmas and various Trump Cult highjinks
• The cash machine that is tearing the fabric of American democracy
• This could all get pretty dangerous, actually
• #flattenthecurve. Please.
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Monday Nov 16, 2020
Monday Nov 16, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! This week:
• Pretty much the entire Eastern Hemisphere has signed a new free trade agreement and brought covid under control. They're moving on while the West is a giant basket case.
• American democratic institutions are being deeply wounded by Trump and his enablers. Quite the international inspiration.
• One tiny bit of good news. Can't say we didn't try.
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Remember, if you like what you hear, please help spread the word. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! Another episode with a focus on the US, because, you know:
• The presidential race has been called for Biden/Harris, and we're breathing a sigh of relief. But it still feels tenuous until Trump concedes.
• The sheer joy that was the “press conference” at the “Four Seasons” in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
• We’re concerned that the underlying problems will not be addressed, especially issues of inequality and especially by the Democrats. And Andrew Yang backs us up.
• Given the closeness of the race - and in the interests of domestic peace - Americans need to try to understand one another. But man, some Trump supporters make it hard, especially the conspiracy theorists.
• And just in case it bears repeating, the good news is the Biden/Harris win.
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Please remember that, if you like what you hear or read, sharing is caring. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Count all the votes! • No repudiation of Trump • Macron sticks up for western values
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
Thursday Nov 05, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! Did you hear there was an election in the US yesterday? Well, we've got you covered with trenchant analysis and commentary, including:
• Count all the votes! As expected, Trump is trying to prevent all the votes from being counted. Bernie called it.
• Even if Biden wins, it's a hugely disappointing result since it's clearly not a repudiation of Trump, his performance in office, and his values.
• We've long thought the present and future of western values were on the ballot in the US this time. Elsewhere, Pres. Macron of French is doing his part to stick up for them.
• China could still have an opening to dominate the 21st century.
• For the song we finish the episode with, check out March of the Mindless by Casper.
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Please remember that, if you like what you hear or read, sharing is caring. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! This week:
• Bill has voted. He had to wait an hour-and-a-half to do so, and Nikolaj just can't understand how that's possible.
• Lying and politics - We have global issues of trust in government. Do politicians lie, or do we want to be lied to? Or is politics basically just impossible?
• And we have fun with "hydrosonic" weapons. That is, until war breaks out in Asia...
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Please remember that, if you like what you hear or read, sharing is caring. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! This week:
• Paris faces attacks of freedom of expression - again.
• Europe is going under a new lockdown, the US never got it together, but Asia and the Pacific countries are coming out on top.
• And this time we have some fun with tape we like from this past week.
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Please remember that, if you like what you hear or read, sharing is caring. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! This week:
• The continuing saga of Trump getting the covid.
• How patient should you be with anyone who still supports Trump?
• Trump and the US's loose rhetoric against China stokes fear of war in Asia.
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Please remember that, if you like what you hear or read, sharing is caring. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Trump's Got the Covid • Europe on Its Own • Bill Makes His Endorsement
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! This week:
• Well, we thought we'd be discussing the US presidential debate, but then Trump got the covid!
• With current international trends, Europe is increasingly on its own - for its well-being, security, and keeping the Enlightenment project alive.
• Bill makes is official presidential endorsement. If you're a US citizen, register to vote NOW.
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Please remember that, if you like what you hear or read, sharing is caring. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Are They Anti-Maskers or a Comedy Troupe? • "Supreme" Court • Pumpkins!
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
It's the Foreign Influence Podcast, with American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, taking you on a humorously serious and seriously humorous romp through the week's international events! This week:
• Coronavirus chaos continues in the US, with the Trump administration seizing control over health science and anti-mask rallies that leave Bill questioning if it's reality or Comedy Central.
• We mourn the passing of US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by completely confounding Nikolaj on how any political system could seriously be designed this way.
• Good news: Pumpkins!
Thanks for listening!
Make sure to sign up for our newsletter - the Foreign Influence Dispatch - for links from today's show and more info and commentary from us.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. You'll find us individually on Twitter, but also check out our FI Facebook page, where we can continue the conversation.
Please remember that, if you like what you hear or read, sharing is caring. 🙏
Stay safe, and be nice to one another!
Bill & Nikolaj