
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Nile Bowie takes us on the ground in Hong Kong
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Hosts Bill Poorman (the American) and Nikolaj Groeneweg (the Dutchman) focus on the situation in Hong Kong with Asia Times journalist Nile Bowie. Hong Kong has been gripped for months by protests and the police response as the city wrestles with how it will be governed now and in the future. Bowie just recently returned from the city, and he shares his insights, reflections, and first-hand reporting. In this week's show:
- Nile Bowie's Five Points
- The recent history of Hong Kong as the City of Protest
- Where this might all be headed
- In a new segment, finishing on a positive note in these tense times
Find more from Nile Bowie at https://www.asiatimes.com/ or at https://nilebowie.blogspot.com/.
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluecepodcast.com or though social media. And remember, sharing is caring. :-) Thanks for listening!

Friday Oct 04, 2019
Journalist Teymoor Nabili makes us sound good and smart
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Friday Oct 04, 2019
Hosts Bill Poorman (the American) and Nikolaj Groeneweg (the Dutchman) are joined in studio by veteran journalist and media consultant Teymoor Nabili for this week's romp through the news. Nabili has worked for Al Jazeera, the BBC, CNN, and Channel News Asia, among other news outlets, and covered some of the biggest events of the last 25 years. In this week's show:
- It's totally okay now for foreign governments to meddle in US elections. (We're fans of foreign influence here.)
- Boris gets bounced again on Brexit - this time by the EU.
- The violence in Hong Kong goes from bad to worse, and where is it all headed?
- Saudi Arabia is America's best friend - because they pay it to be.
Find out more about Teymoor Nabili at http://teymoornabili.com/
Reach out to us at hello@foreigninfluencepodcast.com or through social media. Thanks for listening!

Friday Sep 27, 2019
Impeachment! • Greta & Climate Change • New Cold War with China
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Your hosts, American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, take you on a romp through a week's worth of news and events. In this week's episode:
- The impeachment of Donald Trump is upon us!
- Greta Thunberg and how do we get moving on global warming
- The war's getting cold with China
- Political and private success in our post-truth world
- A sad day in Star Trek geekdom
And more!

Friday Sep 20, 2019
Another Mideast War? • Let Women Lead • Robots, Schrobots
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Your hosts, American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg, take you on a romp through a week's worth of news and events. In this week's episode:
- It's. still. hazy.
- Another Middle East War? Sure. Why not.
- Women should take the lead - with just a dose of skepticism
- The most famous robot overlord has a long way to go
Thanks for listening!

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
The Beginning (Again)
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
The dynamic duo flies again! Join American Bill Poorman and Dutchman Nikolaj Groeneweg as they launch their new podcast, providing a humorous serious and seriously humorous romp through world current events, all from their home base in Singapore. If you loved their previous podcast, We Don't Mean to Dwell, expect the same banter and local guests, but with a broader focus. In this week's episode:
- The deep fake AI arms race and the death of truth
- India goes to the south pole of the Moon - almost
- Brexit and the Continentals
- Hong Kong, the future of democracy, and using propaganda to monetize our podcast
- It’s hazy here in Singapore. We think.
Thanks for listening!